The Big Mistress has decided for a first assignment to the servants for this week: next saturday there will be a party for her rez-day and the subbies will be performing all together for her amusement.. Read the complete assignment here and come check their daily work on the sim @
* The Big Mistress' assignment for week #1 *
1. Buy the freebie Newb Pack: and spend the day dressing it in a unique and creative clothing style.
2. you all will work together to write and then present a 5 minute Play using the dressed newbies (as puppets) which you dressed in the last task. The play will be Fem/Dom themed, that will be presented next saturday at 3AM SLT.
3. next saturday at that time there will be a party for Big Mistress' rez-day and more assignments could be made for you to accomplish and / or to perform at the party.
Good luck!
That will be fun :)