Thursday, June 13, 2019

"WS Creations - Beach party" pics!

         Strict Venus presents:
    WS Creations Sponsored party:
                 Beach party!
    Thursday the 13th of Jun 2019
              H 11AM-1PM SLT
                     DJ Arc

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you to the upcoming:

            "WS Creations - Beach party" !

Hello Venusians! A new Promo party for WS Creations Sexy Furnitures!

You can come and test them on our land - or in their shop! - at any time!

We'll be waiting for you on Thursday the 13th of June at 11AM SLT - but also a bit before! - for 2H of good music by DJ Arc, here in Strict Venus at the Beach party! Dress code: swimwear, swimsuits, bikinis, surf boards... or just come as you are!

So.. join us here and don't miss the chance to be a winner: gift cards will be given out to everyone!











Kika and Dhyezl







Sunday, June 2, 2019

"Roses of May" Flickr Photo Contest - SCORES!

          Strict Venus presents:
 "Roses of May" Flickr Photo Contest!
    Sunday the 2nd of Jun, 2019
              H 12:00 noon SLT

Hello Venusians!

Are you curious to know who won our "Roses of May" Flickr Photo Contest? Do you want to read the chart of the votes?

Sure thing! Here is it for you! (if you are very very curious, just scroll down for the final chart!)

We had a popular vote (by clicking on the boards) that had these results:

People's votes on the boards:

 5 votes - misskey2 Resident
 9 votes - MaxmetoNeils Resident
14 votes - JudeInTime Resident
10 votes - Sylver Piccard
 6 votes - Ravenn Darkstone
 5 votes - ichiro Kiama
 5 votes - TonyMark Resident
20 votes - Oliver Demen
 4 votes - Ami Andrew
24 votes - saniyan Resident 
21 votes - Raeyne Chaika 
25 votes - DaneAlbion Resident 
 8 votes - MischiefFae Resident (1 - gazebo)
 7 votes - MischiefFae Resident (2 - statue)
 5 votes - humblest Resident
 8 votes - Duraya Resident
 4 votes - Reyevan Outlander

Then we had a SV Jury that voted online for each photo, with the following points:

Jury's votes:

116 - misskey2 Resident
105 - MaxmetoNeils Resident
150 - JudeInTime Resident
109 - Sylver Piccard
  93 - Ravenn Darkstone
  95 - ichiro Kiama
104 - TonyMark Resident
128 - Oliver Demen
  82 - Ami Andrew
141 - saniyan Resident 
142 - DaneAlbion Resident 
121 - MischiefFae Resident (1 - gazebo)
121 - MischiefFae Resident (2 - statue)
 81 - humblest Resident
114 - Duraya Resident
 85 - Reyevan Outlander

The best 3 from the Jury's votes would have been gaining the following extra points to add to the popular votes score:

Jury's ranking :
1- JudeInTime Resident + 10 extra points
2- DaneAlbion Resident + 6 extra points
3 ex-aequo: Saniyan Resident & Raeyne Chaika + 1.5 extra points each

Then we had also +3 points to be added to any of the photos that would have been posted on SV Flickr group:

People adding their pic on Flickr:

JudeInTime Resident
saniyan Resident 
Raeyne Chaika 
DaneAlbion Resident 

So, doing the math.. calculating the votes.. Adding here and there.. We had a final chart that is... This one!


1 - DaneAlbion (36 points)
2 -  Jude (judeintime) (28 points)
3 -  Scawedy Cat (saniyan) (26.5 points)

4 - Raeyne Chaika (23.5 points)
5 - Oliver (oliver.demen) ( 20 points)
6 - Rey Outlander (reyevan.outlander) (17 points)
7 - Sylver Piccard (10 points)
8 - Max St.Clair (maxmetoneils) (9 points)
9 ex aequo - Mischief Outlander (mischieffae) gazebo (8 points)
9 ex aequo - Duraya (8 points)
11 - Mischief Outlander (mischieffae) statue (7 points)
12 - Lady Ravenn (ravenn.darkstone) (6 points)
13 ex- aequo - Emma Key (misskey2 Resident) (5 points)
13 ex- aequo - Ichiro Kiama (5 points)
13 ex- aequo - Tony (tonymark) (5 points)
13 ex- aequo - Yanara (humblest) (5 points)
17 - Ami (ami.andrew) (4 points)

And the winners are:

1st prize: DaneAlbion

    ► ::WS:: Pamper Chair

2nd prize: Jude (JudeInTime)

    ► ::WS:: Valentine's cushion

3rd prize: Scawedy Cat (saniyan)

    ► ::WS:: Objectification Pedestal
Thanks to our sponsor WS Creations for offering the amazing prizes!

Congratulations to the winners, to all the participants and a thank you to Dhyezl for helping with the Jury voting form and score counting!

See you soon for the next SV Event! Stay tuned!

And here are the photos:

1- DaneAlbion

2- JudeInTime

3- Scawedy Cat

4- Raeyne Chaika

5- Oliver

6- Rey Outlander

7- Sylver Piccard

8- Max St.Clair

9- Duraya

9- Mischief (gazebo)

11- Mischief (statue)

12- Lady Ravenn

13- Emma Key

13- ichiro Kiama

13- Tony

13- Yanara

17- Ami