Saturday, July 14, 2012

1st Anniversary Masked Party!

       Strict Venus dance party
On Friday the 13th of july, 2012
              H 2PM - 4PM SLT
            with DJ Squisy Paine

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you at the upcoming:

            "Grand masked ball party" !

Hey people! Is one year that SV has opened and we forgot to celebrate our anniversary so far! So what about a grand ball now to wish to our beloved sim one more year of fun - like this last year has been? We'll do on a special date: Friday the 13th. And with a Grand ball: formal attire required - and if you wish, you can add a Jason's mask! Masks welcomed for Ladies as well, and gowns and tuxes!

Miss Kika and Rei


Miss Elona and Pet

Miss Eve and Squishy

Miss Jem and Miss Yuuko

Miss Lazy and John

Liz and Sam




Goddess Titanium

Goddess Yanara and Stephane

Pink Strict Venus!

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