Strict Venus presents
"Kapaan's Eye" - Photo Course
5 lessons on Tuesdays
starting on the 20th of October
by Lady Duraya & Kapaan
Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you to the upcoming:
"Kapaan's Eye - Photo Course" !
Hello Venusians!
We'll be starting a photo course here in Strict Venus, open to beginner and advanced SL photographers, hosted by Lady Duraya and Kapaan.
The course will have the duration of 5 lessons, one per week, starting on Tuesday the 20th of October at 11AM SLT.
The lessons are open to Ladies and subs and the main requirement for all sessions is that you are running Firestorm Browser (Latest Version) and that you are a Strict Venus group member.
The sessions will include hints and discussions about telling a story and composition and there will be room for questions and answers.
Course material will be handed out after each lesson
If you wish to join our course, fill in the following online questionnaire:
(copy and paste this URL into your web browser and follow the instructions!)
So.. see you here and don't miss this new appointment!