Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Green party pics!

         Strict Venus presents:
            The Green party!
     Sunday the 30th of Aug, 2015
              H 11AM-1PM SLT
                  DJ Eve Terr

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you at the upcoming:

            "The Green party" !

Hello Venusians! Time for a new party with us, the last one for the month of August, 2015! So, get ready to celebrate it with.. a color: green! Sunday the 30th of August, starting 11AM and for 2H of great 'green' music with our DJ Miss Eve, you are all invited to join our weekly dance themed "green"! Wear any green outfit, accessory, recycled costume... Whatever you like! But don't miss this event!
Don't be a Grumpy, come to the party!

DJ Eve
Angel and Ralf

Kika and Joe


Marien and Lance


Nicky and Pet


Yanara and eldoradao


Monday, August 24, 2015

White cat, black cat - neko party pics!

         Strict Venus presents:
    White cat, black cat - neko party!
     Sunday the 23rd of Aug, 2015
              H 11AM-1PM SLT
                  DJ Eve Terr

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you at the upcoming:

            "White cat, black cat - neko party" !

MEOW!, Venusians! Are you a white cat or a black cat? An house cat or a stray one? ... Well, time to brush your fur and smooth those whiskers and join us on Sunday the 23rd of August, at 11AM SLT, with our RAWRING DJ Miss Eve for 2 hours of dance, music and... catnip!
So come join us in your neko outfit for this party to shake your tails with ours!

DJ Eve

Kika and Joe

Angel and Rich

Rain and Squishy


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Vive la Revolution party pics!

         Strict Venus presents:
        Vive la Revolution party!
     Sunday the 16th of Aug, 2015
              H 11AM-1PM SLT
                  DJ Eve Terr

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you at the upcoming:

            "Vive la Revolution party" !

Venusians! Is Revolution time!! Are you ready to revolt against the oppressors and fight for your right.. to party?!
Get ready for the final battle, that will happen on Sunday, the 16th of August, at 11AM SLT and led by our DJ Miss Eve, who will spin the tunes for our great event! We're going to win over the boredom and the spirit of the party will rule the world!
Don't miss this very important call and bring your.. party weapons!

DJ Eve

Angel and Rich


fab and Lance

Kika and Joe


Vive la Revolution!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Into the wild - jungle party pics!

         Strict Venus presents:
      Into the wild - jungle party!
     Sunday the 9th of Aug, 2015
              H 11AM-1PM SLT
                  DJ Eve Terr

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you at the upcoming:

            "Into the wild - jungle party" !

Hey Venusians! Are you ready to get... wild?! Yes! We're going to move into the wild jungle on Sunday the 9th of August, with our DJ Miss Eve, from 11AM SLT for 2H of savage tunes! So, welcome to the jungle - where we're born to be wild!
Note: Strict Venus is against the hunting of endangered species. So, Ladies, don't be afraid to capture your preys here: we've got plenty of submissives, ready and willing to be tied up in a close dance! ;)





Kika and Joe

Kika and Be

Josephine and Clem

In the jungle...


DJ Eve



Angel and Rich

Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Femdom Hunt VI: Strict Venus is in!

The Femdom Hunt VI is a grid-wide treasure hunt created by and organised by Z&A Productions. It was first thought of around September 2010 and five hunts have taken place since (in April 2011, October 2011, October 2012 and October 2013, October 2014).

The idea behind the hunt is to interweave a traditional grid-wide hunt (one that includes shops of all types (fashion, household, fetish, RLV toys, etc...)) with a hunt that links together and showcases many of the Femdom sims and locations to be found in Second Life. To this end the Femdoms who are supporting the hunt are spaced evenly throughout the location list, and the hunt itself is designed as a circular hunt. The last location in the hunt points to the first. As such the start location is any location in the hunt (see the blog for the location list). If you wish, you can start the hunt at the ?

The hunt is an adult-themed hunt which, as the name implies, is aimed at the Second Life’s Femdom community. It is, of course, open to anyone who wants to hunt for gifts and explore this particular aspect of Second Life.

The hunt starts at midnight on October 16th (the midnight between the 15th and the 16th, Second Life time) and runs until the end of November 1st (Second Life time).

There is a blog for the hunt:

There is also a group for the hunt:

So, Venusians.. get ready to HUNT! 

Good luck to you all! 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Space oddity party pics!

         Strict Venus presents:
          Space oddity party!
     Sunday the 2nd of Aug, 2015
              H 11AM-1PM SLT
                  DJ Eve Terr

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you at the upcoming:

            "Space oddity party" !

Ah yes! We're back in space! Did we ever leave it, being Venusians? ... Some will be on the clouds today, some even beyond: in outer space! So here's our fabulous space party, to dance between the stars on Sunday the 2nd of August, at 11AM SLT, for 2H of great tunes with our DJ Miss Eve and the crew of Strict Venus space ship!
Take the teleport and join us!


Angel, Rich and Serenity




Eve and Sue

Jez and Jon






Nihilia and Lime
