Monday, January 28, 2013

Bikers' Party pics!

       Strict Venus dance party
On Sunday the 27th of jan, 2013
              H 2PM - 4PM SLT
            with DJ Vanni Cannoli

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you at the upcoming:

            "Bikers party" !

Easy Riders, are you ready to rock? At Strict Venus, on Sunday the 27th of January, at 2PM SLT with DJ Miss Vanni there will be a bikers' meeting here in the Dance Arena! And we'll dance to the amazing tunes of our rawking DJ! Meet  you here, beer at the House!

Miss Beli


Miss Eve

Miss Kika

Miss Kiki and Racer

Miss Kiki

Miss Lazy

Lady Liz and Lucius

Miss Nellie


Party People


DJ Miss Vanni


Friday, January 18, 2013

Red Horns Party pics!

       Strict Venus dance party
On Thursday the 17th of jan, 2013
              H 2PM - 4PM SLT
            with DJ Squishy Paine

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you at the upcoming:

            "Red 'horns' party" !

Here we are, ready to another Thursday's party with our DJ Squishy at 2PM SLT in our Strict Venus! The theme to celebrate this one will be.. Italian "anti-badluck": Red 'horns' and hot chili peppers! So: wear red horns, red hot chili peppers, red, horns.. well whatever would better suit the theme! And meet you here!
Party people

Miss Frifta and Squishy


Miss Belle and Mickey

Dr Luci


Jean and Miss Kika


Miss Kiki and Rolf

Monday, January 14, 2013

Midwinter White Ball Party pics!

       Strict Venus dance party
On Sunday the 13th of jan, 2013
              H 2PM - 4PM SLT
            with DJ Vanni Cannoli

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you at the upcoming:

            "Midwinter Ball White party" !
Here we are, in the middle of Winter.. how to better celebrate it than with a.. Midwinter Ball? With our DJ Vanni at 2PM on Sunday the 13th, we will be wearing White outfits to disguise in the snow!! And we'll be dancing the cold away on the great tunes of our wornderful DJ!

Midwinter White Ball


Miss Kika and Vitor

Miss Ursa

Miss Ursa and spago

Miss Kiki and Witty



Miss Stephanie

DJ Miss Vanni

Miss Kiki and Eb


Miss Diana and Elric

Miss Kika

Miss Lazy and John

Miss Dawnee and Marmelade

Miss Nellie

Friday, January 11, 2013

70s Disco Party pics!

       Strict Venus dance party
On Thursday the 10th of jan, 2013
              H 2PM - 4PM SLT
            with DJ Squishy Paine

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you at the upcoming:

            "Disco 70s party" !

Woot! A new party with DJ Squishy here at Strict Venus! First one of 2013 and the first one of many more yet to come! And this party will have a date... 1970-79! So the theme for this Thursday, at 2PM is: as disco 70s! So get out  your afro hair and glitter suit and don't miss our first 70s party of the year, here, at Strict Venus, with DJ Squishy!

Miss Red and Maxwell


Disco 70


Miss Belle and Squishy

Miss Kika and damon


Miss Poppy

Miss Kiki

Miss Kiki and Mos