Monday, May 28, 2012

Total Black party pics!

       Strict Venus dance party
On Sunday the 27th of may, 2012
              H 2PM - 4PM SLT
            with DJ Purple Landar

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you at the upcoming:

            "Total black party" !

Welcome to a new sunday party with the Strict Venus crew! Today's theme is Total black - so all your clothes and accessories will have to be black! The more black, the better! Join the dance with us and have fun with the amazing tunes of DJ Purple!

Ms Kika and damon


Miss Lazy and John

Miss Josephine and Clem



Miss Honey and marco

Tony and Miss Lillith

Miss Eve and Squishy


Lady Liz and Lucius

Miss Efes

Miss Dawnee and Jam

Saturday, May 26, 2012

RL Jobs party pics!

       Strict Venus dance party
On Friday the 25th of may, 2012
              H 2PM - 4PM SLT
            with DJ Squisy Paine

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you at the upcoming:

            "Real jobs party" !

Friday party today with DJ Squishy, in a party that will see us dressed like.. RL jobs! So be an hostess/stewart, a maid, a nurse, or a butcher.. Everything you can think about when talking about a RL job!

Lady Liz and Lucius
Ms Kika
Miss Eve and Squishy
Miss Lazy and John
Miss Angel
Goddess Titanium

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Green salsa party with DJ Vanni!

       Strict Venus dance party
On Wdnesday the 23rd of may, 2012
              H 1PM - 3PM SLT
            with DJ Vannesh Cannoli

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you at the upcoming:

            "Green Salsa party" !

Woot, a party on wednesday!  And with a new DJ: Vanni! Who will play salsa music for us in the green frame of our Green party - so, yes: the theme will be green! Just a green salsa outfit to dance with the amazing music in our dance arena!

DJ 'Miss' Vanni will be playing her wonderful tunes for us here at Strict Venus - so don't miss this new dance party here!

Miss Kika and damon

Miss Lazy and John

Miss Eve and Squishy

DJ Vanni

Miss Attica

Miss Savana

Miss Lillith


Miss Rainbow

Miss Angel and Nibbles

Sunday, May 20, 2012

B-sides party pics!

       Strict Venus dance party
On Sunday the 20th of may, 2012
              H 2PM - 4PM SLT
            with DJ Purple Landar

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you at the upcoming:

            "B-side party" !

Hello friends and welcome to a new party with us at Strict Venus!  This sunday's theme is.. the letter B!  So you can dress as anything starting with the B letter: a Blonde, a Bitch, a Bear, a Brontosaur..  Well, I am sure you will have better ideas than myself!

DJ 'puppy' Purple Landar will be spinning his wicked tunes (all B-sides?) for you here in the wonderful frame of the dance arena in Strict Venus!

Ms Kika and damon
Miss Lazy and John
DJ Purple
Miss Barbie and Davidson
Miss Lillith and jim
Miss Eve and Squishy
Miss Kaya and Nibbles

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Space party - 2K special edition!

       Strict Venus dance party
On Friday the 18th of may, 2012
              H 2PM - 4PM SLT
            with DJ Squisy Paine

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce you and invite you at the upcoming:

            "Space party - 2k special edition" !

Friday party today to celebrate Miss Kika and remus' entering in their 2000 days of SL.. so theme will be the Space!  Wear your futuristic outfit: space suit or alien avatar and join us for this special celebration for Strict Venus! 

DJ Squishy will spin live tunes for you - and sing, we know he will! - so don't miss the fun and bring your friends at this friday party of Strict Venus!

The Space set!
Miss Eve and Squishy
Miss Attica and remus
Miss Kaya and Nibbles

Miss Lillith and basil
Lady Liz and Lucius
Miss Lazy and John
Miss Kika and damon
Space Party!
Goddess Titanium
Miss Kika and damon
Miss Attica and remus
Miss Alexiane and Nevan