Sunday, December 11, 2016

SV 2017 Calendar Photo Contest! - RESULTS!

          Strict Venus presents:
      2017 Calendar Photo Contest!
                  starting on
     Saturday the 26th of Nov, 2016
                   ending on
     Saturday the 10th of Dec, 2016
              H 12:00 noon SLT

Strict Venus Femdom SSC land is proud to announce the results of the:

               "2017 Calendar Photo Contest" !

Hello Venusians!

Yes! Our 2017 Calendar Photo Contest has been a big success!

So! Are you curious to know who are the winners?

There will be prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winner. The winner will be on the cover of our SV Calendar as well!!! And the best 12 will be selected as the months of the calendar!

The prizes will be offered by the 3ari Fashion store, that you can find on Marketplace at the following URL:
Prizes will be goods from the store and cash (250L, 150L, 100L)!

...and the winner of the 1st prize - and cover of our 2017 Calendar - is...

1   Dresser (votes: 36) !!!

While the 2nd and 3rd prize (and they will be in the months of our SV Calendar for 2017 as well!) go to..

2    Duraya (votes: 35)

3    Canis Canning (votes: 32)

The following photos don't win a prize but they will be in the months of our calendar for 2017 - that you will receive in the next days from SV group!

4    Efes Paine - Bondage (votes: 28)

5    Cat Octavia (votes: 26)

6    Efes Paine - Table (votes: 25)

7    Ashst (votes: 23)

8    MyReason92 (votes: 22)

9    Richtea57 (votes: 21)

10  samirlayl (votes: 20)

11  subbie5 (votes: 20)

12  Dharma Lane - Carrot (votes: 19)

13  Dharma Lane - Chastity (votes: 17)

To all the other following participants - who won't be in our Calendar though - a big thank you!! for participating and being in game with us! And a better luck for the Calendar 2018!!

14  Kapaan (votes: 14)

15  velveteendream - Red (votes: 12)

16  dregsworth (votes: 12)

17  velveteendream - Green (votes: 11)

18  Jackson Cruyff - Ducky (votes: 11)

19  christianRhymes (votes: 10)

20  MarcAgenoux - Bath (votes: 10)

21  Jackson Cruyff - Cross (votes: 9)

22  Klaxon Morgwain (votes: 9)

23  MarcAgenoux - Shower (votes: 7)

The winners will be contacted in the next days by 3ari Fashion to pick up their prizes in the store - and to receive their L$ prizes!

Congrats again to all participants and see you here for the next events (that you can find on the boards at the entrance in our land!).

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